Phone: 248-383-5010
Serving Statesboro & Surrounding Counties since 2007
Phone: 912-681-7768
Fax: 912-681-7782

Physical Therapy
Gross Motor Delays
Developmental Delays
Brachial Plexus Injuries
Postural Abnormalities
Poor Balance and Coordination
Muscle Weakness
Toe Walking and Gait Abnormalities
At The Therapy SPOT, our physical therapy team provides interactive and evidence-based therapy to address:
Gross Motor Delays • Developmental Delays
Plagiocephaly • Torticollis • Brachial Plexus Injuries
Postural Abnormalities • Poor Balance and Coordination • Muscle Weakness
Toe Walking and Gait Abnormalities
We Can Help!

Evaluations assess a child's skills in all areas of concern using a combination of:
Parent interview about your child's developmental and medical history
Observation of your child engaging in gross motor activities in our therapy gym
Activities to assess joint mobility, muscle strength, coordination, and balance
Assessment of your child's ability to engage in age-level gross motor skills (rolling, crawling, walking, climbing, throwing and catching a ball, etc.)
Following the evaluation, we will discuss the results and recommendations. If physical therapy is recommended, we collaborate with parents to develop a plan of treatment and goals.
Our pediatric physical therapy team provides services to support each child's unique physical needs. Therapy often focuses on developing functional skills that allow your child to participate in daily activities at home, school, and throughout the community. Our physical therapy sessions incorporate activities your child will be naturally motivated to participate in, allowing them to build both gross motor skills and confidence. As your child develops increased strength, coordination, endurance, and new motor patterns, our team will take regular data and revise therapy goals as needed. Physical therapy also supports a child's self-help skills, including toileting, dressing, and bathing. Our specialized training includes Primitive Reflex Integration through Neuroplasticity and evidence based assessment and treatment for Torticollis.
Whenever possible, parents are invited to participate in or observe our therapy sessions. Our physical therapists will also dedicate time to connect with parents and provide home practice programs.
Signs of a Gross Motor Delay or Disorder
Not rolling over by 6 months​
Not sitting up independently by 8 months
Not bearing weight on legs by 6 months
Poor balance when sitting or standing unsupported
Delayed crawling or walking​
Toe walking or an atypical way of walking
Preference for turning his/her head to only one side
Difficulty keeping up physically with peers
Trouble learning how to hop, skip, ride a tricycle or bike​
Difficulty throwing and/or catching a ball​
Need for wheelchair mobility training
Recovery after an injury or surgery​​
Falls down or bumps into objects often

Contact us to discuss your concerns and learn about our physical therapy evaluations and therapy services.